

The Isa offices project in the city of Medellin was a significant challenge in terms of scheduling. We faced a very ambitious deadline, and although the conditions were demanding, we are proud to have successfully met both the deadlines and the high-quality standards required by the client.

Throughout the process, our team demonstrated an unwavering commitment to efficiency and excellence in project execution. Carefully planned strategies were implemented to optimize each stage, ensuring that deadlines were met without compromising the quality of the work performed.

Constant communication with the client and meticulous monitoring of the project’s progress were essential to keep us in line with expectations and requirements. Thanks to a collaborative approach and a highly skilled team, we were able to overcome the challenges and successfully conclude the Isa offices project in Medellin.

In conclusion, the result was a work delivered on time and with the highest quality standards, which consolidates our reputation as a company committed to excellence in every project we undertake.

  • Location Medellín
  • Area 1.000 m²
  • Status Built
  • Year 2020


The primary goal of Isa’s new offices was to modernize the functionality of their workspaces, transforming them into highly collaborative and stimulating environments. To achieve this, several changes were implemented that enriched the company’s work dynamics.

More informal meeting rooms were designed, facilitating interaction among teams and fostering an environment conducive to creativity and the exchange of ideas. These meeting areas provided the necessary flexibility for spontaneous meetings and allowed for greater fluidity in internal communication.

Furthermore, more relaxation spaces were incorporated, contributing to the well-being and comfort of employees. These recreational areas became meeting and relaxation points, promoting social interaction and teamwork.

On another note, a specially equipped training area was designed with versatile furniture that stimulated creativity during learning and development processes. This setup allowed employees to feel inspired and motivated during training events, thus enhancing their performance and professional development.

In summary, the modernization of Isa’s offices translated into more collaborative and dynamic spaces, promoting a culture of innovation in the workplace and strengthening the sense of community among employees. The company was able to adapt to the current needs of its teams while fostering a work environment that promotes productivity and personal and professional growth.

& Shape

The formal proposal of the project aimed to create a more dynamic and modern environment, incorporating design elements that stood out for their innovative shapes. Details with accents in blue and gray were used to infuse vitality and freshness into the space, providing a sense of energy and vibrancy.

Informal meeting rooms became key points in the design, with carefully incorporated volumes to add movement and originality to the environment. These elements brought dynamism and a distinctive touch to the space, fostering interaction and creativity during informal meetings.

A harmonious combination of industrial elements in the ceiling details, along with the strategic selection of other materials such as carpets, achieved a sleek and luxurious look. This balanced mix of styles gave the space a sophisticated character without losing its modern and vibrant essence.

In conclusion, the project stood out for its dynamic and modern approach, the careful choice of colors and details, and a stylized blend of materials, all of which resulted in an exceptional space that uniquely and elegantly reflected the company’s identity.